
Message Labels

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 9 months ago


The key to a lot of the information in an ACARS message is the message label. The two character message label represents a number of things about the message including the originator, and the type of information that can be expected in the message.


Many airlines use the same message labels but a number of airlines have defined their own labels, notably Air Canada, British Airways just to name a few.


On this page, we are listing examples of the contents that can be expected from the different message labels. This list is by no means complete, and we welcome additions so that we can make this a comprehensive reference page.


:; Frequency Change Request


Here is an example of where a Mexicana A320 has been requested to change its ACARS frequency to 130.025 (Note the message does not display the data correctly in the right fields).

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .F-OHMI
    Message label: :; Block id: V Msg. no: 1300
    Flight id: 25
    -----------------------------------------------------------[08/11/1997 10:00]


_ Label


On the surface, there appears to be no message label in the message?  Actually its a _<del> which appears as a "_  " which is  normal. Messages with this label are usually acknowledgements of uplinked messages that have been properly received by the aircraft.  In this sequence below, note the uplink to the aircraft, followed by the acknowledgement message that indicates reciept of the message, and has the "_ " message label.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: ..B-HOS
    Message label: C1 Block id: G Msg. no: .HKG
    Flight id: YRCX 0
    Message content:-
    LAX HKG CX0881/08 B-HOS
    F18J56W313 4/18/0 09NOV97 
    ZFW ACT 227720 MAX 244939
    TO FUEL 16600
    -----------------------------------------------------------[09/11/1997 00:00]
    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: ..B-HOS
    Message label: _ Block id: 0 Msg. no: S13A
    Flight id: CX0881
    -----------------------------------------------------------[09/11/1997 00:00]


10-American Airlines/Eagle Frequency Change


Message label 10 when transmitted by American Airlines or American Eagle aircraft usually represents a change to the ACARS frequency being used (FQY30025 which equals changed to 130.025). Also included in these messages is the other supplementary information which is the destination airport, in this case (PIA) Peoria Illinois.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N533AT
    Message label: 10 Block id: 3 Msg. no: 5413
    Flight id: MQ4059
    Message content:-
    OS PIA /FQY30025
    -----------------------------------------------------------[04/01/1998 08:55]


10-British Airways ARR (ETA) Report


Here is an ETA report transmitted by a British Airways 747 en route from Washington Dulles to London-Heathrow just after departure. It shows an estimated arrival time at London (IATA Code EGLL) for 0502(UTC).

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .G-AWNP 
    Message label: 10 Block id: 0 Msg. no: 3056 
    Flight id: BA0216 
    Message content:- 
    ARR01 EGLL0502 00 
    ------------------------------------------------------[14/09/1997 22:31] 


10-British Airways FST Report


Here is another version of the ETA message format, this type (FST) includes the flight route (Mexico D.F. MMMX) to (London-Gatwick EGKK), the current position of the flight (N376904W0794497), altitude (33007), wind direction and velocity (019/061), and estimated time of arrival (XA 1237 UTC):

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .G-BNLD
    Message label: 10 Block id: 3 Msg. no: 0902
    Flight id: BA2242
    Message content:-
    FST01MMMXEGKKN376904W079449733007380380 019061 XA1237
    -----------------------------------------------------------[09/11/1997 06:09]


10-Fedex ATIS Request Message


Here is a Fedex format ATIS (Automated Terminal Information Service) weather request for destination airport Newark International (KEWR):

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N68050
    Message label: 10 Block id: 0 Msg. no: M19A
    Flight id: FX1021
    Message content:-
    301021/WXREQ /TYP 1/STA KEWR
    -----------------------------------------------------------[30/12/1997 08:54] 

Following successful transmission and reception of the TYP 1 weather report requested, the following message acknowledging receipt of the report is transmitted automatically by the airborne subsystem:
    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N68050
    Message label: 10 Block id: 2 Msg. no: M20A
    Flight id: FX1021
    Message content:-
    -----------------------------------------------------------[30/12/1997 08:54]


11-Fedex In Range Arrival Report


An example of a Fedex INRANG report, which in this case announces that N421FE is in VHF range of the DS (Destination Station) KIAD(Washington Dulles Int'l) and that the estimated time of arrival (ETA) is 0757 UTC. Fuel on board (FOB)is 16080 lbs.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N421FE 
    Message label: 11 Block id: 4 Msg. no: M28A 
    Flight id: FX1193 
    Message content:- 
    210601/INRANG/DS KIAD/ETA 0757/FOB 016080 UTM LB 
    ----------------------[21/10/1997 07:39]


14-General Aviation Free Text


Here is a corporate aircraft (denoted by Flight ID GS0001) passing a flight plan as free text entry into the ACARS unit:

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: ..N96JA
    Message label: 14 Block id: 5 Msg. no: M38A
    Flight id: GS0001
    Message content:-
    (2AAAWN41583W 85170GDC N96JA GDC PLZ FILE
    --------------------------------[04/01/1998 12:56] 
Here is another example of a corporate aircraft free text message. Note that this example is a message from aircraft N336QS to another company aircraft N334QS:

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N336QS
    Message label: 14 Block id: 7 Msg. no: M06A
    Flight id: GS0001
    Message content:-
    (2ABAAN39238W076295334QS 336QS HEY BOYZ
    -----------------------------------------------------------[18/12/1997 17:56]


15-General Aviation Position Report


Although not confirmed, this is believed to be the standard message label for corporate aircraft position reports.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N918MK
    Message label: 15 Block id: 5 Msg. no: M18A
    Flight id: GS0001
    Message content:-
    (2N41449W 87420079 3 11 4(Z
    ----------------------------[04/01/1998 12:57] 

Here is another example of what is believed to be a position report from Gulfstream 3 N317ML, including altitude (last three digits in first group of numbers after the longitude, in this case 37, 500 feet):

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N317ML
    Message label: 15 Block id: 7 Msg. no: M06A
    Flight id: GS0001
    Message content:-
    (2N37572W 75592281 34375-60(Z
    -----------------------------------------------------------[02/01/1998 14:31]

Note that in this next message, the aircraft has climbed to an altitude of 38, 900 feet at the time of transmission:

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N317ML
    Message label: 15 Block id: 8 Msg. no: M07A
    Flight id: GS0001
    Message content:-
    (2N36163W 77013273 42389-59(Z
    -----------------------------------------------------------[02/01/1998 14:46]


16-General Aviation Weather Request


Although not confirmed, this is believed to be the standard message label for corporate aircraft weather requests. Below is an example of an Executive Jet Aviation Citation-V requesting weather for several cities in Michigan.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N331QS
    Message label: 16 Block id: 0 Msg. no: M19A
    Flight id: GS0001
    Message content:-
    (2AAACN39320W089217ASE GJT MBS GRR LAN -/A(Z
    -----------------------------------------------------------[04/01/1998 13:10]


16-Fedex Position Report-AUTPOS


This automatically-generated position report format gives the current position of the aircraft (N390124 W0780427), altitude (ALT 09984 feet), static air temperature (SAT -014 C), the wind direction and velocity (WND 307 degrees at 014 kts.), an entry position for true air temperature (TAT, in this example there is no entry), true air speed (TAS 309 kts.), crusing speed in Mach (CRZ Mach .61 ), fuel on board (FOB 30400 lbs.), date (DAT 971230), and the time of the report (TIM 0847:11 UTC).

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N425FE
    Message label: 16 Block id: 8 Msg. no: M27A
    Flight id: FX1018
    Message content:-
    301101/AUTPOS/LLD N390124 W0780427
    /ALT 09984/SAT -014
    /WND 307014/TAT ****/TAS 309/CRZ 061
    /FOB 030400 UTM LB
    /DAT 971230/TIM 084711
    -----------------------------------------------------------[30/12/1997 08:47] 


17-Northwest Airlines Position/Weather


Northwest (NW) flight 444 is enroute La Guardia (LGA) to Detroit-Metropolitan (DTW) and was overhead waypoint DARBO at 1218 UTC, at flight level 350 (35,000 feet), and is estimating arrival at DTW 1319 UTC. The onboard weather is a minus 50 degrees C, the winds are 245 degrees/132 knots, and the fuel remaining is 18.7 or 18700 lbs. Free text describing the ride conditions follows.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N321US 
    Message label: 17 Block id: 6 Msg. no: M10A 
    Flight id: NW0444 
    Message content:- 
    301217 LGA DTW1 
    LGA DARBO 1218 350 DTW 1319 M50 245 132 0 018700 
    ----------------------------------------------------------[30/11/1997 12:20]


1L-Atlantic Coast Airlines/United Express QF OFF message format


This is the Atlantic Coast Airlines version off an off report. Embedded in the message is the departure station (KIAD-Washington Dulles) and the destination (KRDU-Raleigh/Durham):

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N472UE
    Message label: 1L Block id: 9 Msg. no: M08A
    Flight id: DH6598
    Message content:-


24-Northwest Airlines Weather Request


Although not officially confirmed, the message label 24 is believed to be used for weather and/or ATIS requests for Northwest Airlines aircraft. The message shows the date and time of the request (041924) and the requested cities, in this case Chicago Midway (MDW) and Minneapolis (MSP).

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N926RC
    Message label: 24 Block id: 3 Msg. no: M01A
    Flight id: NW1089
    Message content:-
    041924 MDW MSP0
    -----------------------------------------------------------[04/01/1998 13:24] 


30-UPS Position Report


This UPS format position report can be broken down as follows: date of flight (30), followed by the time of transmission (0826 UTC), the flight routing (Philadelphia International (PHL) to Roanoke Regional (ROA), position (P North 395459 West 0760518), followed by the wind direction and velocity in kts. (187 degrees 030 kts.), altitude (36, 502 feet), and finally the fuel remaining (26.7) .

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N912UP
    Message label: 30 Block id: 6 Msg. no: M79A
    Flight id: UP0374
    Message content:-
    300826 30PHL ROA P395459M0760518////187030////////03650264////0267
    -----------------------------------------------------------[30/12/1997 08:26] 


31-Northwest Airlines Weather Report


Another example of a Northwest format, this one reporting the weather on board for the last five reported positions. Position(N42039 W082392) is given followed by time of transmission in UTC (1812), then altitude (212, 343, etc.), air temperature in -C (153, 453), and last but not least wind direction and velocity (252 degrees at 022kts , and 280 degrees at 055kts etc).

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N536US 
    Message label: 31 Block id: 4 Msg. no: M53A 
    Flight id: NW1778 
    Message content:- 
    121831 DTW PHL0 
    -------------------------------------[12/10/1997 18:44] 


36-Northwest Airlines In Range Message


This message not only signifies that the flight is in range of the destination airport, Detroit-Metropolitan (DTW), but also serves as a crew downlink request for planned runway conditions. In this case the flight crew has selected Runway 03L at DTW as the planned arrival runway, and the uplinked response to this message will contain any pertinent information regarding the runway, i.e. landing length available, Runway Visual Range (RVR), braking action reports, and any other current NOTAMS (NOTices to AirMen).

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: ...N93S
    Message label: 36 Block id: 3 Msg. no: M70A
    Flight id: NW1123
    Message content:-
    042036 MSN DTW0
    R 03L T W M HWN A F - C

    -----------------------------------------------------------[04/01/1998 14:05] 


39-Northwest Airlines arrival/free text message


Here is an example of a Northwest Airlines Boeing 757 arrival/free text request message. Note the departure airport (DTW) and the destination airport (PHL) in line one of the message; 1912 N refers to the UTC time of arrival.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N536US 
    Message label: 39 Block id: 3 Msg. no:M52A 
    Flightid: NW1778 
    Message content:-121839 DTW PHL1 
    1912 N 
    -----------------------------------[12/10/1997 18:43] 


3F-UPS ETA Downlink Message


This message format is believed to be an Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) Report for UPS Flight Operations in New Jersey (NJ). UPS flight 2873 is enroute Phoenix (PHX) to Philadelphia (PHL) and is estimating arrival at 1831 UTC.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N319UP
    Message label: 3F Block id: 5 Msg. no: M71A
    Flight id: UP2873
    Message content:-
    181802 18PHX PHL 1831NJ
    -----------------------------------------------------------[18/12/1997 18:03]


3G-UPS Free Text Message Format


UPS free text message format. Day of operation (11) followed by message transmission time (0500 UTC), 0355331/2322XL00 are possible maintenance report codes, and then the nature of the maintenance report.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N309UP
    Message label: 3G Block id: 8 Msg. no: M05A
    Flight id: UP0125
    Message content:-
    -----------------------------------------------------------[11/12/1997 05:01] 


3J-UPS Downlink Message


This message is believed to be a flight plan routing message, the flight in question enroute Philadelphia (PHL) to Jacksonville (JAX) on day 30 of the month (30), with time of transmission in UTC (0817):

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N444UP
    Message label: 3J Block id: 3 Msg. no: M50A
    Flight id: UP0328
    Message content:-
    300817 30PHL JAX
    -----------------------------------------------------------[30/12/1997 08:17] 


3S-UPS Downlink Message


Although this is pure speculation, this is believed to be a UPS format maintenance message, complete with the full day's routing for the aircraft in question.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N319UP
    Message label: 3S Block id: 6 Msg. no: M69A
    Flight id: UP2873
    Message content:-
    181754 18PHX PHL KPHL 0000000ME1651
    -----------------------------------------------------------[18/12/1997 17:55] 


3U-UPS Uplink acknowledgement


Any message uplinked to a UPS aircraft which requires acknowledgement will be sent back in its entirety, with any necessary crew comments at the top of the message. In this case the crew has simply sent back the latest Hamilton (YHM) METAR:

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N209UP
    Message label: 3U Block id: 0 Msg. no: M30A
    Flight id: UP6006
    Message content:-
    A100922 10PHL YHM 37SDFDI5X 000 SDFDI5X UPS6006 /10 PHL-YHM
    YHM SA 0900 E21BKN 100OVC 15 0/M/0612/982
    KUEHN, SANDY /09:21:43

    -----------------------------------------------------------[10/12/1997 09:22] 


4A-Air Canada latest new format


This very new message type is specific to Air Canada only on ARINC based stations (primarily in the USA). In this message, the aircraft is departing from ORD and displays the origin and destination cities.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .C-GBHZ
    Message label: 4A Block id: 8 Msg. no: M24A
    Flight id: AC0817
    Message content:-
    -----------------------------------------------------------[10/12/1998 13:23] 


4M-Air Canada Uplink to Cockpit Printer-specific message format


Here's an example of take-off configuration data being sent to an Air Canada B767. In this case it states the Fuel on Board (FOB), the Zero Fuel Weight of the Aircraft, and the Take-Off Weight (TOW). In the next section it gives the reccomended STABilizer trim setting along with other information about the passengers and cargo on board.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .C-GAUE
    Message label: 4M Block id: O Msg. no: 7 6
    Flight id: 2 55
    Message content:- 
    FOB - 25.8
    ZFW - 111.9
    TOW - 137.3
    STAB - 6.0 
    DDG NO
    -----------------------------------------------------------[02/03/1997 13:24] 


4Q-Air Canada departure format

This message type is specific to Air Canada. In this message, the aircraft is departing from DCA (Washington National) and is reporting the out of gate time (1129 UTC) and the wheels off time (1138 UTC).

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .C-FYIY
    Message label: 4Q Block id: 8 Msg. no: M28A
    Flight id: AC0551
    Message content:-
    TDX AC0551/30/30 DCA 1129Z 1138Z 252
    0112/002685 U A
    -----------------------------------------------------------[30/11/1997 11:38] 


4R-OFF Air Canada-Specific Message Format


This departure report from an Air Canada Canadair Regional Jet is an example of Air Canada's own ACARS formats. Note the departure station (IAD) and the destination (YOW), and again , the flight number AC0333 are embedded in the message.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .C-FXMY
    Message label: 4R Block id: 8 Msg. no: M48A
    Flight id: AC0333
    Message content:-
    C32AVT 1OSVFL AC0333/12/12 IAD YOW 124 1835Z 026/0022/0001 T
    05/01910169 /154232/P23P19/ /08520850/784779/09330928/02740273/
    /091090/7882/076065/0 00 /0 00
    -----------------------------------------------------------[12/10/1997 18:38] 


4X-Air Canada Frequency List


This is a relatively new message that shows the valid ACARS frequencies that an Air Canada flight will use during its flight:

    Using Ground Station 2 .Message No. 2402
    Message Type 4X
    4C MQ5 -MFT C080 608/AC131475Y/


52-GMT Ground UTC Request


The airborne subsystem is requesting that the ACARS clock be updated to current time UTC (GMT)

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N486UE
    Message label: 52 Block id: 1 Msg. no: M00A
    Flight id: DH0001
    -----------------------------------------------------------[09/12/1997 08:26] 


5D-ATIS Request


Here is an example of a request for the latest ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service) for Houston Intercontinental (KIAH) from a Continental Airlines Boeing 737-524:

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N19623
    Message label: 5D Block id: 3 Msg. no: 5534
    Flight id: CO1041
    Message content:-
    -----------------------------------------------------------[30/11/1997 11:55] 

Here is another example from a UPS 727 freighter requesting weather for Hartford Bradley International (BDL):

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N208UP
    Message label: 5D Block id: 4 Msg. no: M48A
    Flight id: UP0122
    Message content:-
    BDL C
    -----------------------------------------------------------[30/12/1997 09:29]


5U-Downlink Weather Request


This message type has many variations to it. First, here is a very simple US Airways message format for weather requests, in this case requesting the latest weather for Pittsburgh (PIT).

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N809US 
    Message label: 5U Block id: 7 Msg. no: 3654 
    Flight id: US0302 
    Message content:- 
    1 PIT 

Here's an example of a weather request message (WXRQ) from a Delta 757, in this case requesting latest weather for station (STA) KATL-Atlanta. After receiving this request, the ground station will uplink the report requested.

    2 .N611DL 5U 0 1324 DL0621 
    01 WXRQ 0621/29 KLGA/KATL .N611DL 
    -----------------------------------------------------------[29/01/1997 20:13] 


5Z-Airline Designated Downlink


There are several examples of a 5Z message:

Example 1: Here's an ALT (ALTimeter) report from an American Airlines 767. You can easily see that it is inbound Chicago-O'Hare, the ORD altimeter is 3011, and the ETA into ORD is 0210 UTC. OS stands for Other Supplementary information, which in American Airlines' format indicates the destination airport.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N861AA
    Message label: 5Z Block id: 4 Msg. no: 3649
    Flight id: AA0240
    Message content:-
    OS ORD /ALT30110210
    -----------------------------------------------------------[22/10/1997 20:38] 

Example 2: Here's a report from a TWA MD83 informing operations that the flight is on time (FOT), departure airport (DA) is BWI (Baltimore-Washington International), and that the fuel on board is 22.1.

    2 .N9304C 5Z 6 0213 TW0561 
    FOT/DA BWI/FB 0221 
    -------------------------------------------[29/01/1997 20:03] 

In example 3, the crew uses ACARS to send a free text message for critical items such as football scores for the passengers:

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N582UA
    Message label: 5Z Block id: 5 Msg. no: M88A
    Flight id: UA1585
    Message content:-

    -----------------------------------------------------------[04/01/1998 12:42] 

Example 4 shows the crew advising dispatch of holding situation:

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N330UA
    Message label: 5Z Block id: 3 Msg. no: M40A
    Flight id: UA1131
    Message content:-
    EFC 1928Z. CAN WE USE

    -----------------------------------------------------------[04/01/1998 12:58] 

**80-Delta/Canadian specific 3C03 position report format**

<verbatim>Here is an example of a regularly transmitted postion report. The KBOS/KCVG indicates that it is going from Boston to Cincinatti Oh. Both Delta and Canadian use this format. The report passes along the following information:

/POS Position VOR PSB
/NXT CVG Next station is Cincinatti
/ETA 1325 is planned arrival time in UTC
/ALT is current altitude of FL350
/FOB is Fuel on board at 31,200lbs
/SAT 50 is static air temperature at (-)50C
/WND Current winds are 237 degrees at 130kts
/MCH 84 is current Mach number of .84
/TRB is current air stability...smooth
/SKY undercast (cloud solid below)
/ICE Current icing conditions- none
    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N109DL 
    Message label: 80 Block id: 5 Msg. no: M78A 
    Flight id: DL0745 
    Message content:- 
    3C03 0745/30 KBOS/KCVG 
    /POS PSB /OVR 1211/NXT KCVG /ETA 1325 
    /ENS /ALT 350/FOB 0312/SAT 50 
    ---------------------------------------------------------------[30/11/1997 12:11] 

Similar Canadian example:

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .C-FDCA
    Message label: 80 Block id: 3 Msg. no: 5311
    Flight id: CP0989
    Message content:-
    3C01 POSWX 0989/04 CYYZ/CYVR .C-FDCA
    /POS BAE /OVR 1951
    /ALT 310/FOB 0294/MCH 782/SAT 50
    /POS DLL /OVR 2002
    -----------------------------------------------------------[04/01/1998 13:53] 


84 S.A.S. Free Text Message


Here is an example of a Scandanavian Airlines crew manually reporting a maintenance problem via free text entry into ACARS.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .OY-KDL
    Message label: 84 Block id: 1 Msg. no: M41A
    Flight id: SK0941
    Message content:-
    3E02 SNAG 0941/03 EKCH/KORD .OY-KDL
    /FAL 00000000
    -----------------------------------------------------------[03/01/1998 12:10] 


8X Uplink ATIS Information


Here is an example of the Automatic Terminal Information System (ATIS) data being uplinked to a United B727.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N7252U
    Message label: 8X Block id: 2 Msg. no: 0631
    Flight id: UA1468
    Message content:-
    /HDQDLUA.RA CMD 18, 36
    -----------------------------------------------------------[05/01/1999 09:08]


B1-Flight Management System (FMS) Flight Plan Oceanic Clearance Request


In this message, British Airways flight 2242 enroute Mexico D.F. to London-Gatwick has sent a message to Gander Center (YQXXRAC) to request oceanic clearance. The flight is estimating arrival time at oceanic entry point 49North 50West (49N050W) at 0827 UTC, requesting Mach .85 (M085) and Flight Level 370 (F370) for the crossing:

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .G-CIVK
    Message label: B1 Block id: 7 Msg. no: 0351
    Flight id: BA2242
    Message content:-
    /YQXXRAC.-49N050W/0827 M085F370
    -----------------------------------------------------------[30/12/1997 06:04]


B9-Flight Management System (FMS) Flight Plan Information Receipt Message

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N317UP
    Message label: B9 Block id: 6 Msg. no: M38A
    Flight id: UP0610
    Message content:-
    TI2/024ORD ACB5A
    -----------------------------------------------------------[30/12/1997 09:48]


C1 Message to Cockpit Printer


This message type is initiated on the ground and uplinked to the ACARS printer in the cockpit. In the example below, the message contains the Air Traffic Control clearance for an American MD80 from Los Angeles to Chicago.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N564AA
    Message label: C1 Block id: J Msg. no: .TUL
    Flight id: DDAA 0
    Message content:-
    31350 FROM 50 50
    AN N564AA/AP LAX
    - FLIGHT 2098/03 LAX -ORD
    AAL2098 XPNDR 7316
    T/MD80/A P1415 330
    J96 IRK BDF3 ORD
    MAINTAIN 2000
    DEPT. FREQ. 124.3
    -----------------------------------------------------------[03/03/1997 05:49] <verbatim>

**H1-Message to/from terminal**

<verbatim>These messages are used to transmit various flight and/or engine performance data as well as Navigation and other parameters. Different airlines appear to use different formats and codes.

The H1 message usually reflect data dumps from the flight data recorder (DFDAU) ,the flight management computer (FMC) or the Central Fault Data Indicator (CFDIU). All messages generated by these on board systems are preceded with the "#" character and a two letter code that defines which system was the source of data for the message. Typically, #CF indicates that the source was the CFDIU, #DF for the DFDAU and #M1 or #M2 for the FMC. In addition, a fourth character is displayed as either an A or B to indicate if the message is in the conventional (A) or conversational (B) mode.

The string of text that appears beyond the 4 characters described above gives an even better clue as to the nature of the message. Here are some examples and their associated meanings:

#CFBFLR or #CFBWRN = Equipment failure
#DFB*TKO or #DFBTKO = Take off performance data
#DFB*CRZ or #DFBCRZ = Cruise performance data
#DFB*WOB or #DFBWOB = Weather observation
#DFB/PIREP = Pilot Report
#DFBEDA or #DFBENG = Engine Data
#M1AAEP = Position/Weather Report
#M2APWD = Flight plan predicted wind data
#M1BREQPWI = Predicted wind info request

Below is an example of a cruise report featuring mostly engine performance data from a Continental Airlines 757 enroute Newark (KEWR)-Lima (SPIM). Note the #DFBCRZ indicating that the data was derived from the DFDAU and contains cruise performance data. Notice the five numbers after the three number sequence separated by dashes? That's the present altitude, in this case FL310, followed by the speed in Mach, the next three numbers or .800.

    2 .N19117 H1 0 4656 CO0703 
    #DFBCRZN19117KEWRSPIM2901204614 313-2275-513 30996080022408007031SCR1C 
    E211 031407031408 826 830 785 789 825 825543546 4064 406414881494 94 
    6 953 74 771001021972060360240070110100690000011000 80002970416022 
    -----------------------------------------------------------[29/01/1997 20:46] 

A typical weather report format for the last four programmed positions for this United Boeing 737-300

    2 .N334UA H1 3 D59A UA0245 
    --------------------------------[29/01/1997 20:08] 


Q0-ACARS Link Test


An example of the most frequently transmitted ACARS message. Typically there is no message content with this type of message.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N10236 
    Message label: Q0 Block id: 8 Msg. no: 5752 
    Flight id: CO0563 
    -----------------------------------------------------------[15/10/1997 12:58] 


Q1-ETA Departure/Arrival Report


We see here that TWA flight 429 was off the gate Baltimore-Washington International (BWI) at 1401 UTC and departed BWI at 1411 UTC. St. Louis (STL) is estimated at 1615 UTC and fuel is 31.3.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N54325 
    Message label: Q1 Block id: Msg. no: 1210 
    Flight id: TW0429 
    Message content:- 
    BWI14011411 0313STL/ET 1615 
    -----------------------------------[02/12/1997 14:11] 


Q2-ETA Report


Here is a report from a Continental MD-80 giving their ETA at West Palm Beach International (PBI) as 2321 UTC.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N14890 
    Message label: Q2 Block id: 3 Msg. no: 2433 
    Flight id: CO0626 
    Message content:- 
    -----------------------------------------------------------[11/12/1997 21:25] 


Q5-Unable to process uplinked messages


This message is sent from the aircraft to the ground when the onboard systems cannot process an uplinked message:

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N867AA 
    Message label: Q5 Block id: 0 Msg. no: 2648 
    Flight id: AA0804 
    -----------------------------------------------------------[11/12/1997 21:28] 


Q6-Voice-to-ACARS change over-Joining ACARS


This message initiates a connection from the aircraft to the ACARS subsystem where prior communications between the airline and the aircraft were done via voice.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N619UA 
    Message label: Q6 Block id: 0 Msg. no: S20A 
    Flight id: UA0050 
    -----------------------------------------------------------[30/11/1997 11:41] 


Q7-Delay message


In this example, American flight 804 is inbound Newark International (Note the OS/EWR part of message) but has been given a hold at waypoint HOLEY, EFC (Expect Further Clearance) at 2155 UTC.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N867AA 
    Message label: Q7 Block id: 9 Msg. no: 2645 
    Flight id: AA0804 
    Message content:- 
    -----------------------------------------------------------[11/12/1997 21:28] 


QA-Departure Report


United flight 1586 departed New York-La Guardia (LGA) at 1419 UTC. This message is initiated automatically when all doors are closed and the parking brake is released, which indicates a departure from the gate.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N413UA 
    Message label: QA Block id: 2 Msg. no: M99A 
    Flight id: UA1586 
    Message content:- 
    -----------------------------------------------------------[21/11/1997 14:38] 


QB-Off report


An example of a QB report (using Atlantic Coast-designated message label 1L)

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N319UE 
    Message label: 1L Block id: 4 Msg. no: M03A 
    Flight id: DH0001 
    Message content:- 
    (2AAABN38597W077277QB 1256(Z 
    -----------------------------------------------------------[15/10/1997 12:59] 


QC-On Report


USAir flight 271 arrived New York-La Guardia (LGA) at 1258 UTC. This message is initiated when the aircraft touches down and the nose gear remains compressed for 10 seconds.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N896US 
    Message label: QC Block id: 4 Msg. no: 5852 
    Flight id: US0271 
    Message content:- 
    ------------------------------------[11/12/1997 19:44] 


QD-Arrival Report


United 1586 has arrived Washington Dulles International (IAD) at 1436 UTC. The message is sent automatically once the aircraft has arrived at the gate, the parking brake is set, and at least one of the doors have been opened.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N413UA 
    Message label: QD Block id: 1 Msg. no: M98A 
    Flight id: UA1586 
    Message content:- 
    -----------------------------------------------------------[21/11/1997 14:38] 


QE-Out/fuel destination report


USAir flight 2310 is enroute Washington National (DCA) to Boston Logan Int'l (BOS) with fuel onboard 19.3.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N812US 
    Message label: QE Block id: 0 Msg. no: 0011 
    Flight id: US2310 
    Message content:- 
    DCA 0193BOS/DC 
    -----------------------------------------------------------[04/08/1997 22:33] 


QF-OFF (Off/destination report)


Here is an OFF message from a Challenger 601 corporate jet. Note that the coordinates place this aircraft on departure from Washington Dulles International. The off time is noted in the message as 2233 UTC.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: ..N94BA 
    Message label: 15 Block id: 5 Msg. no: M04A 
    Flight id: GS0001 
    Message content:- 
    (2N38568W 77366OFF------22330909 010(Z 
    -----------------------------------------------------------[14/09/1997 22:37] 

Here is an OFF message at the moment of departure from Baltimore-Washington International from a British Airways 767-300ER

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .G-BNWR 
    Message label: 10 Block id: 7 Msg. no: 3358 
    Flight id: BA2194 
    Message content:- 
    -----------------------------------------------------------[14/09/1997 22:33] 

An OFF report from an American Airlines B757, using the format departing airport (IAD)/time off (2018 UTC)/destination airport (LAX).

    2 .N681AA QF 1829 AA0143 
    ------------------------------[29/01/1997 20:18] 

An OFF report from a US Airways DC9; FP refers to planned flight time, CO is the Captain's company ID code, FO is the First Officer's code, and the A1/A2/A3 codes are for the flight attendants.

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N971VJ 
    Message label: QF Block id: 8 Msg. no: 3342 
    Flight id: US1427 
    Message content:- 
    IAD1234PIT/FP 040/CO 10030/FO 62085/A1 41850/A2 54529/A3 42356 
    -----------------------------------------------------------------[30/11/1997 12:33] 


QX-Intercept, airborne subsystem unable to process


This message format is sent by the airborne subsystem to indicate that the unit could not process the message previously uplinked:

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .C-FYIY 
    Message label: QX Block id: 2 Msg. no: S54A 
    Flight id: AC0551 
    -----------------------------------------------------------[30/11/1997 11:53] 


RA-Command Response Uplink


The RA message is sent to the aircraft as a command to perform certain functions using the ACARS system as a gateway to other onboard systems. If for example, the company dispatch wanted to update the flight plan stored in the Flight Management System, it could do so via this message type.

Here's a United Airlines 757 receiving gate information for Chicago-O'Hare:

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N506UA 
    Message label: RA Block id: B Msg. no: QUHD 
    Flight id: QWDUA~ 
    Message content:- 
    UA881 IADORD 
    GATE C21 FREQ 130.15 
    EON 1602 APU OFF 

RB-Response of aircraft terminal to RA uplink message

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N767UA 
    Message label: RB Block id: 2 Msg. no: M16A 
    Flight id: UA0914 
    Message content:- 
    QUHDQDDUA/~2 0914 IADCDG 2224-2236/--------- 
    8180 DENIAD 1707-1719/2001-2007 
    0000 ------ 1442-----/-----1449 
    -----------------------------------------------------------[02/08/1997 22:40] 


United Airlines 5Z parameters


United Airlines 5Z messages contain an additional parameter at the beginning of the message content field that gives further clarification as to the purpose or destination of the message. Note in the message below, the /CS parameter after the flight id field and at the beginning of the message content field:

    ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N991UA
    Message label: 5Z Block id: 7 Msg. no: 5746
    Flight id: UA1690
    Message content:-
    ----------------------------------------[02/01/1998 13:58] 

In this case, the /CS indicates that the message is regarding a customer service issue, and has been routed to the appropriate terminal at United. Other known parameters and their definitions are as follows:

/B1 Request Weight and Balance
/B3 Request Runway Data
/CD Weight and Balance
/CG Request Pre-departure clearance (PDC)
/CM Crew Scheduling
/C3 Off message
/C4 Flight dispatch
/C5 Maintenance Message
/C6 Customer Service
/C11 International PIREP
/DS Late message
/D3 Holding pattern message
/D6 From-to +date
/D7 From-to+Alternate+Time
/EO In range
/PW Position weather
/RL Request Release
/R3 Request howgozit message
/R4 Request the latest POSBD
/TC From-to-fuel
/WB From-to
/W1 Request weather - City 


All data on this Wiki copyright Mark Avey unless otherwise stated.

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